Welcome Back and Hip Surgery updates.

It's been a "little" while. As in a long while. And while so much happened in nearly 4 years since my last post, I will save all that catching up for another day. One of the biggest things though is that I had hip surgery earlier this year. I've gone through a lot and I have learned a lot too. In the coming weeks I will be sharing more details about the diagnosis and surgery itself, as well as some tips and tricks I learned surviving the time at home while living alone. For now, however, I just wanted to say "Hi, I'm Back, I've missed this", and share my week-by-week updates from weeks 1 through 10. January 20 : I am HOME! It was a super early morning full of anxiety and nerves. Things rolled super smoothly once there. Pre-Op nurse got the IV started. Surgeon in and reviewed the planned surgery and left his initials on my hip. Anesthesia came in and cleared my airway and went over her part. OR Nurse walked me back to the OR, got me all settled on ...