One year

Today marks one year since I walked in the Helvetia Half-Marthon. And what a year it has been. The most amazingly frustratingly fulfilling year so far of my life. It actually all started back in February of 2010. I was approached by a friend saying that the adults in the family (her, her husband, her parents, her siblings and their spouses) were all doing the half and asked if I wanted to join them. For some crazy (stupid maybe even) reason I said yes. Yes, without even really thinking about the fact that a half marathon is 13.1 miles long, that I hadn't really been out on a walk in ages, that my idea of "working out" was about 30 minutes on the treadmill every 2 weeks or so, that I was out of shape and overweight. But yes I did say, and I registered pretty much right away. And once I had paid my money I realized what kinda trouble I was in. So i found a training plan online on how to walk a half marathon, gradually increasing my miles. So I did, diligently for months bec...