One year

Today marks one year since I walked in the Helvetia Half-Marthon. And what a year it has been. The most amazingly frustratingly fulfilling year so far of my life.

It actually all started back in February of 2010. I was approached by a friend saying that the adults in the family (her, her husband, her parents, her siblings and their spouses) were all doing the half and asked if I wanted to join them. For some crazy (stupid maybe even) reason I said yes. Yes, without even really thinking about the fact that a half marathon is 13.1 miles long, that I hadn't really been out on a walk in ages, that my idea of "working out" was about 30 minutes on the treadmill every 2 weeks or so, that I was out of shape and overweight. But yes I did say, and I registered pretty much right away. And once I had paid my money I realized what kinda trouble I was in. So i found a training plan online on how to walk a half marathon, gradually increasing my miles. So I did, diligently for months becoming "a walker". And I gave up fast food, well for lent at least I did. And somehow with all that I only managed to lose 4 pounds. I knew something was up and that I obviously needed a little help, and to see a doctor and find out if there was something going on.

So may 2010 finds me in the doctors office discussing the possibility that I have what is called Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. Polycystic ovary syndrome is a problem in which a woman’s hormones are out of balance. It can cause problems with your periods and make it difficult to get pregnant. PCOS may also cause unwanted changes in the way you look. If it is not treated, over time it can lead to serious health problems, such as diabetes and heart disease. Because of this hormone imbalance it makes it even more difficult than "normal" to lose weight, even though losing weight can be one of the most effective treatments for it. Not exactly the most fun conversation I have had with Ted. So blood drawn and off to finish prepping for the half.

The day of the half marathon came. It was an adventure. The first half actually felt great. But after the 6 mile marker things got a lot harder. It was hot. We had had such a cold rainy spring that I was not ready for 80 degree weather on race morning. But I made it across the finish line. And met my goals, to finish under 4 hours and to not be dead last.

That was Saturday June 12th. On Saturday June 19th I attended my first Weight Watchers meeting. I am so glad I did. I lost 2 pounds that first week alone. Then went back to my doctor to discuss the official diagnoses of PCOS and got placed on a new medication.

And what a year it has been since then. I have lost almost 30 pounds. Well technically more than that, but there have been a couple times where I have gained a few pounds back and then had to re-lose them. I am hoping that by this Saturday I can hit the 30 on the scale. It is with a little bit of pride mixed with with a little bit of trepidation and a whole heck of a lot of hope that I jump into the next year.


  1. post a picture of the 30 lb lighter you :-) good job!

  2. You did the half before WW! I didn't know that. That took a lot of determination and guts to do it!

    If you hadn't done it first, I don't think I would have had the courage to do it. Thank you for the before and after cards, you will never know how much they mean to me!


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