So today at weight watchers meeting we talked about the best supporting actors in our weight loss journeys. It was really a fitting think since I am 2 weeks away from 1 year on weight watchers. And it got me thinking, I don't know if I thank you all enough for the encouragement and support you all have given me over the last year. So here it goes, it no paticular order, well actually whatever order you come to mind is the order you get listed in.

Erin T- I know I wouldn't have had the courage to go to that first meeting if I didn't know you worked there and had heard your story and seen your results.

Jenn S- Thank you for joining me on this journey. It has been such a joy to share it with you, the successes (losses) and the tough parts (plateaus and gains). You continue to motivate me with your openness about the journey you are on.

My friends at church who have joined weight watchers after me- Everytime you tell me that somehow I was a motivting factor in you joining/rejoining, or come to me with a question about the plan it motivates me to keep going. It is such an honor to be trusted with your questions.

Vishal B- one day as I was getting ready to leave work I not only didn't want to go for a walk but I really didn't want to go home and cook something healthy and I really just wanted to go get a burger and fries and veg on the couch. And that is when you told me you had been reading my blogs and that I had come so far and to not ruin it. And what do you know, I went and worked out and ate something roughly healthy for dinner.

Kelly A- Thank you for inviting me to do that half marathon. I still have no idea why I actually said yes. But for some reason I did, and as I trained for it and didn't lose weight I realized that I needed outside help and joined weight watchers and went to my doctor and discovered I had PCOS (no wonder losing weight has been so dang hard)

And to everybody else who has encouraged me on this journey and motivated me to continue thank you for everything you have said and done.


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