5% and Goals

I am sitting here feeling the urge to blog but not really having any idea what I wanted to blog about. So I came up with 2 things and now I am gonna share them with you.

So when you join weight watchers they have all these goals for you. First 5%, 20%, 16 weeks, 25 pound medallions. And your ultimate goal weight. It took me a while to get to those 5 and 10%. and I still haven't quite gotten to my 25 pound marker. But I know that I need to keep my goals small. So I am just going from 5% to 5%. Of couse each time that becomes a differant number, but that is my goal.

You also are supposed to set an ultimate weight loss goal sometime with them, I haven't yet. And I am okay with that really. Because I ahve a goal but I don't. I have a number that is right in the range of all the charts and graphs and guidelines. But I don't want to focus on that number, not yet, adn maybe not all. To don't wanna get so focused on it that I lose sight of the bigger picture, my health. And I don't wanna ignore my body if it tries telling me that maybe something a few pounds higher is where it's happier. I don't want my mind to start believe a lie that a certain number on the scale will equal happiness and solve all of life's problems. So to that end I don't have a goal...but I have a goal.

I want to live in the journey. Learning the lessons that will help me be happy. Learning to trust my body as it changes.


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