Smart Points

Well, they did it again.

Do you know how awesome Weight Watchers is? Besides being flexible and never ever saying a food is completely off limits, they are constantly researching and following other research out to stay on top of what science continues to discover about nutrients and how your body needs and uses them. Which is why this week they unveiled the newest update to the program. Beyond the Scale with new SmartPoints.

It takes the focus back to whole foods and lean proteins. And it raised the exchange value of of things that have saturated fat and lots of sugar. So things like grilled chicken, fish and eggs went DOWN in points, meaning they are a smarter choice. Things like cheese, yogurt, donuts, went up in value. Meaning I can still eat them, however I need to plan for them and know they they will take up a lot of points.

There has been a lot of people stressed out about it and feeling that it is super restrictive. They feel like they are being punished for choosing those foods. While I know how hard change can be, I also want to wring their necks. Because I mean obviously if eating whatever we wanted whenever we wanted to without cost or repercussions worked for us, none of us would be on Weight Watchers to begin with.

I purposely planned my day so that I could indulge and have Thai food for dinner tonight. I full on measured out a serving and enjoyed it with some 0 point veggies and a big glass of water to make sure my tummy would be full and happy.

I for one am looking forward to learning this new system and making it work for me. And I can't wait to see how well my friends and I succeed with it. 


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