
It's the little victories right? You know the ones where you get to the gym and realize everything is in your gym bag except your...sports bar. And yet you decide to put in a 20 minute workout anyway. Yes it's true I could have just gone home and changed there and gone back, but I was so tired that if i had done that i wouldn't have gone back at all. So I stayed and worked out in my normal bra, choose to get on the recumbant bike so I wasn't bouncing around. But yay me I had packed a gym bag the night before and actually remembered to have it in the car!!!

So tomorrow would be my normal weigh in at weight watchers day. But since this week I am working day shift on thursday I have the opprotunity to go to the thursday meeting with Jenn! I like going to meeting with friends. It makes it way more enjoyable. I am so honored that I was the catalyst to get Jenn to join but at the same time she continues to push and motivate me. As does the Biggest Loser weigh in I am watching right now. How scary it must be lose 2-3 pounds and be below the yellow line. Especially with this new yellow line, where half the group falls below instead of only 2 people. I am so glad weight watchers doesn't have a yellow line. though maybe I would work even harder if I felt there was the possibility I would be eliminated. Hum...something to think about.


  1. Great job with the whole gym thing. Bra or not:) I so wish I could afford it, but walking right now is serving me well. So far so good. Not sure if I can go to meetings, or if I am just an online WW no meetings for me yet. That's okay for now. Love your blog...leaves and all. :)

  2. Good job going to the gym. I did housework all day (I mean I've been cleaning, dusting, sweeping, picking up since 9 a.m.) I earned activity points for that. Did you know that if you have a pedometer, you can enter your steps an earn points?? I didn't know that.

    Well, your inspiration is continuing, my friend Jonna is going to come on Thursday, and 2 other people I know are going to do the on-line thing.

    See you Thursday!


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