Pay it forward

This years theme on Biggest Loser is "pay it forward". They talk a lot about what the contestants can share with their familes and their communities when they are eliminated, which got me thinking. How have I paid it forward in regards to my weight loss journey. Well last night I got rid of a pair of jeans, I could pull these jeans completely off of me without having to unbutton them at all. So I took them to weight watchers and gave them to my frien Jenn, who just got down to that size. Jenn reached her 5% milestone, and to see the joy on her face when she heard her weight loss that week and then when awards were given at the end of the meeting totally inspired me to keep going and actually remotivated me. It was humbling to think that I had been the motivation for her and another friend of mine to join. And today at work I was talking with a coworker who wants to join. I hope she gets to make it work.

So my challenge to you my friends is to think of ways you have paid it forward, or ways you can pay it forward. And then share them.


  1. Sandy - thanks for being my motivation to start, and I am humbled to be your remotivation.

    You have motivated me, and I, in turn, have motivated 2 or 3 others to at least consider eating better and exercising. Thus, my way to pay it forward. And, if I hadn't been motivated by you, these 2 wouldn't have been motivated by me.

    Thank you for sharing my 5%, I hope you are there when I reach my 10%, just as I hope to be there when you reach your 10% too!


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