I was really hoping...

I was really hoping to have lost my first 10% by now. But alas. septemeber was not a good month at all, and i felt i was getting back on track. Until monday when I twisted my ankle and couldn't even stand on it, much less actually go to the gym and work out. So i really wasn't expecting much at weigh in this week, but thankfully I weighed exactly the same as last week. At least it wasn't a gain. And now that the ankle is feeling better, a gym going i will be tomorrow.

And I got a BRAVO sticker at the meeting! I love getting bravos. It was for having to buy produce 2 in a week. It wasn't cause the stuff went bad (like it normally does in my house) but because I actually at it all and wanted more. I am pretty sure green peppers are my new favorite raw vegetable, over celery and over carrots, I love green bell peppers.

And when you are fat and lose weight slowly you hit the 16 week milestone before you making it to 10% milestone. WW likes to celebrate certain milestones. 10% weight loss you get a key chain, 16 weeks "stay and succeed" you get a charm that goes on the previously mentioned key chain. But since i just passed 16 weeks and still have only lost 5%, i have a charm with no key chain. I am seeing a necklace in my future. Which may be better, cause then I have ti right there on my to remind me of how far I have come.


  1. Oh Sandy, you will so get there. It just will take a little more time. (It's a journey, it's a marathon not a sprint, blah, blah, blah)

    Now that you have me to keep you motivated (and you to keep me motivated)you'll get there soon! Hopefully, we'll celebrate our 10% together! By the way, Bernie came back this week, yay!

    PS - How'd you sprain your ankle?


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