
I posted yesterday that I lost a pound. Well that changed my weight based points allowance for daily food intake. I lost a point. So instead of getting to eat 30 points worth of food, I now only get 29. Which might not seem like a big change but for someone who had been using a vast amount of the weekly points not for special occassions but for everyday eating that adds up to 7 points a week that I no longer have. But as Luck would have it, somehow I came in 7 points UNDER today. I am sure that is mostly cause it was one of my weird sleep in late days and only eat 2 real meals plus snacks. Or maybe it was cause I sat down at the beginning of the day and tracked everything I planned to eat for the remainder of the day. Either way I am in bed and not hungry. Maybe I can pull it off 2 days in a row, I am trying to save my extra points for sunday as I will have 2 special meals that day.

And adter much reading in my PCOS workbook I have started taking some vitamins in addition to the medication I am on. So maybe that will eventually lead to things behaving a little better.

Okay off to bed I go cause I have to be back at work in 7 hours and I still need to sleep.


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