i did something right

I personally find it funny that after 16 weeks on weight watchers I still don't fell like I have had a good week. Even today I went in and just didn't feel great about the week. I even took my socks off at the meeting to weigh, and then I took my shirt off too, no worries I was wearing a sports bra. It ended up being okay, I lost 2.2 lbs. And I am thrilled with 2.2, that a full kilogram, yes I would love to have more in a week, but a loss is a loss. I just wish for once that I would go in to weigh in and at least feel good about it.
So I must have done something right this week. Maybe it was the 43 activity points I earned with all the cleaning over the weekend. Cause I will admit, it wasn't cause I stayed perfectly on plan with the food. I diffenately have some oom to improve there. But I got some soup mix I am gonna make up and portion it out into indivual servings instead of having it all in one big bowl.

To all my Biggest Loser friends out there, I am watching week 4 as I write this. Curtis Stone was on at the beggining of the episode to show them how to make these 100 calorie cupcakes (which by the way looked amazing, anyone wanna come over and try them with me), and he said something that I heard on tuesday, heard again tonight and is still ringing through me head. "Surrond yourself with Positive Temptation". Positive temptation, who ever uses those two words together? But it actually make sense. We all know that the more you say 'no, not at all" the more you want until eventually you cave. But if you allow yourself something you know is "safe" something that can be good for you and still be an indulgence.

okay off to go boil some water to make soup.


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