
Showing posts from 2017


Well, it's official. I am registered for my next half-marathon. I am once again doing the Holiday Half in December. It's been on the calendar for months, but I hadn't actually committed. I was kinda stuck. I was super nervous to register because I felt like my training wasn't going anywhere, I wasn't being consistent with it, my long walks weren't happening, the shin pain was back and all that kept me from registering. Yet, I also knew that by not registering I wasn't putting enough pressure on myself to be consistent with the training, because it wasn't official there was still a chance I wasn't gonna committ, so why put myself through it. But it is official now. I have registered, I customized my race bib, I selected my shirt size, I paid extra for the shuttle. I saved the confirmation email in the special folder labeled "race info". Now all that's left to do is pick the perfect race outfit. Oh, and train, I should probably kick the...

How do you measure progress?

I'm not gonna lie. I've been pretty frustrated lately. I skipped a race I had been looking forward to. My mile time I swear is getting worse. I joined a weight loss challenge and GAINED weight. And I feel like my PT progress has been 2 steps forward 1 step back...with a couple random extra steps back. I have questioned why I haven't quite yet. But you know what? I almost gave up on another race this past weekend, but through the encouragement of a friend I showed up and walked 3x farther than any of my "training" walks this year. And you know what, it wasn't so bad. My legs didn't actually fall off, my back behaved the majority of the time, and the after party was a blast. I'm making more mental progress than physical progress. But I guess progress is progress. I audibly admitted (complete with sweat and a couple tears) how frustrated I am with my backs progress at physical therapy to the PTA I was working with this week, cause you know ...

The race that wasn't

DNS. Did Not Start Three letters that no "runner" ever wants to see next to their name. But alas, last week those letters and my name were used in the same sentence in regards to a race. Remember how this all started last year? Shamrock Run 8k, a wet and windy and pretty dang miserable first race of what would be an amazing year. Well, somehow I allowed myself to be talked into registering again. And really, I was excited to. I wanted to do a repeat race and be able to compare. But the closer and closer race day came, the less and less my body felt ready for it.  If it was simply a matter of just not getting enough runs in to feel like I would accomplish my goals. But more like a legit my back is still freaking out and I haven't really trained at all, and I was doing another run the day before that meant a lot more to me. So I found myself making the hard/easy decision to skip shamrock, even though I had my bib and shirt already. But here are a few things I learned fr...

Winter 5k

What happens when winter interferes with all your not so carefully crafted training plans and your back has a massive melt down and you find yourself checking in at a race not sure if you will even have the strength to make it to the starting line? Well, you either walk back to the car empty handed and cry or you suck it up, lower your expectations a little and get it done. So that is what I found myself doing yesterday morning. I had been looking forward to this race since before I even finished the half marathon. I really wanted to do a race on my birthday weekend. It was to be a celebration of all I had accomplished in my 32nd year and a way to set the tone for all I hoped to do with year 33. There was so much I wanted out of the Winter 5k. I wanted my sub 16 min/mile back, I haven’t seen it since September after all.  I wanted to actually run part of it, not just 100 feet here or there but enough to actually say “I ran it”. I wanted to feel strong. However weeks of snow a...