Making Progress

So I just realized that it is midway through december and I haven't posted yet this month. For those of you whoo have been reading you saw me mention some changes coming to WW points. The new program, PointsPlus, has been out for 2 weeks now. And so far I like it. all the points are recalculated, most things have gained points value, but I gained points too. As did the weekly extra points. And fruit is now free, which I LOVE. I mean if your supposed to eat 3-5 servings of F&V your choices are to either to eat 5 servings of veggies (and I was normally only good for 2) or spend some valuable points of fruit (some of which were worth 2 points). Now its factored into the system so that we can "freely" (pun intended) fruit too!!! Bring on the apples and bananas and oranges.

So so far I think my body is loving the new Points Plus, lost weight both weigh-ins since the cahnge.


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