
Showing posts from March, 2011

Weigh-In Wednesday

Wednesday, halfway through most peoples week yet only the beggining for me. See wednesday is my Weight Watchers Weigh-in day. Also the day all my numbers on the e-tools reset, the activity points I earned go bye-bye, but I get all my weekly points back. Remember in my last blog that I talked about that sit down I had with Jenn. It really paid off, I had a great weigh-in. Back where I was before my recent slip up. And it feels good. I am just trying to imagine what a full week of being remotivated will look like next week. Really hoping to keep this snowballing. Oh and I am going back to online tracking. I do much better with it and keep track of everything with it. It's easy for me to do it either at work at home or on the go. Like when I am out to eat I can go to the mobile site and look stuff up and add it right then. It also helps me preplan for the rest of the day easily. So here is to a whole week of this new motivation. To working out whenever I can. To choosing power foods ...

Coffee Talk

I had a wonderful surprise today. My friend Jenn texted me to ask if I wanted to meet for coffee, which I was delighted to do. Jenn joined weight watchers a couple months after I did and it has been my delight to be her inspiration and be along side her in this journey. However the last 2 months have been hard on us both as far as weight loss goes, as she puts it "Take 2 steps forward, take 1.99 steps back". I mean think about it, I had finally hit 24 pounds lost at the end of last year, it took another 2 months to hit the 25 pound mark. Really, 2 months for 1 pound. So while trying to brainstorm we came up with a couple ideas oon how to motivate each other. One is that we are each gonna blog more. I mentioned that I more inclined to blog when things are going well then when things are, kinda a share your success hide your failures kinda thing. And in sharing those blogs with you all I get remotivated by the positive feedback I get, and that in turn keeps my efforts as far as...

Where's the bandwagon?

I fell off the band wagon and I think it might have left me behind. I seem to self sabotage after every milestone. Gains after 5%, 10% and 20 pound. And it takes me forever to get the ball rolling again. But this has to stop. Yes 25, well really I think I have put the work into 35 pounds but have gained 10 of them back at various times, is great but that is only a quarter of the way there. And I really need to get there.


I made it to the 25 pound mark. As in 25 pounds gone, vamoosed, skedaddled, never to be seen or heard from again. It feels so amazing to not have them anymore. I don't miss them at all. I hope that in it taking 8 months to lose it means it will stay away. Now you all might think that losing this weight would all me great, however there are some "downsides" to it. There is the common 'clothes not fitting' syndrome suffered by many women. However in this case it's cause you can't keep the jeans up when you get them zipped, that is if you even need to unzip them to get them on or off. And even if it seems like you just went bra shopping chances are you will need to go bra shopping again soon, that is unless you like the uncomfortable needs adjusting often feeling. And don't forget the fact that when your pants literally start falling off you, you will be between sizes so nothing fits quite right or the store you love shopping at literally have every size ...
Last June was a big month. I completed my first half marathon, joined Weight Watchers and got a diagnoses that will stay with me for the rest of my life. During my first appointment with my new doctor he suggested we test for something based on some symptoms I had been having for 2 ½ years combined with some other stuff. So after the lab results came back, so came the diagnoses. PCOS Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome On one hand it was great to have a diagnoses and an answer (and a prescription) but at the same time it sucks. It has no cure, affects different aspects of ones life/body and presents completely differently in each person. As a result of the PCOS I am on 2 meds now. Metformin for the insulin resitance component and Niacin for the high cholesterol. So this will be something that I will have to fight for the rest of my life. I hope in getting things “under control’ now that hopefully the rest of life will not be...

WW Homework

Challenge: Try 10 new foods this week. That was the challenge we were given at the end of the meeting last week. 10 new foods, sounds easy right? WRONG! My parents didn't allow me to be a picky eater. And it was a pretty internationally varied palate. Artichoke...check. Asparagus, canned and fresh...check. Okra...check. Ground Beef, turkey and chicken...check. Squid...check. Matzo Ball soup...check. Gelfilte Fish...check. Whole Wheat Pasta...check. Tofu...check. Things I haven't had: Manwich, mom always made sloppy joes from scratch. Nesquik, mom always used chocolate syrup. So I had to get really creative with this assignment. Which is funny cause I hardly eve do the homework and it's not like I am getting a grade for it. So I had to modify it. 5 foods or food combos that I haven't had as an adult. Since I forgot to start this until 2 days before the next meeting I opted for only half. So here is what I got. 1. Jicama- Just had it with dinner and it was good. Sliced it...