Weigh-In Wednesday
Wednesday, halfway through most peoples week yet only the beggining for me. See wednesday is my Weight Watchers Weigh-in day. Also the day all my numbers on the e-tools reset, the activity points I earned go bye-bye, but I get all my weekly points back. Remember in my last blog that I talked about that sit down I had with Jenn. It really paid off, I had a great weigh-in. Back where I was before my recent slip up. And it feels good. I am just trying to imagine what a full week of being remotivated will look like next week. Really hoping to keep this snowballing. Oh and I am going back to online tracking. I do much better with it and keep track of everything with it. It's easy for me to do it either at work at home or on the go. Like when I am out to eat I can go to the mobile site and look stuff up and add it right then. It also helps me preplan for the rest of the day easily. So here is to a whole week of this new motivation. To working out whenever I can. To choosing power foods ...