Coffee Talk

I had a wonderful surprise today. My friend Jenn texted me to ask if I wanted to meet for coffee, which I was delighted to do. Jenn joined weight watchers a couple months after I did and it has been my delight to be her inspiration and be along side her in this journey. However the last 2 months have been hard on us both as far as weight loss goes, as she puts it "Take 2 steps forward, take 1.99 steps back". I mean think about it, I had finally hit 24 pounds lost at the end of last year, it took another 2 months to hit the 25 pound mark. Really, 2 months for 1 pound. So while trying to brainstorm we came up with a couple ideas oon how to motivate each other.

One is that we are each gonna blog more. I mentioned that I more inclined to blog when things are going well then when things are, kinda a share your success hide your failures kinda thing. And in sharing those blogs with you all I get remotivated by the positive feedback I get, and that in turn keeps my efforts as far as eating and working out go. And when things go bad, I tend to not blog this not getting called out on it or encouraged to get things right again. So Jenn and I are committing to blogging way more often then we have been.

The second thing we did is after coffee we went shopping, and we each bought a dress. Hers is for a wedding she has in June, mine just cause it was super cute. But just buying the clothes isn't motivating. Which is why my dress is with Jenn and Jenn's dress is in my closet. We have to earn our dresses back, in essence we are holding the others dress hostage. The ransom? Well pounds of course. As we were finishing out shopping we set the goal so we know what we have to do. I have to hit my 35 pounds lost mark in order to get my dress back.


  1. Good blog! I think it is really funny that this week's WW challenge was to find a buddy to motivate each other. I keep remembering how good I felt in that dress and that it was a 16 and it fit. It didn't even have the W on the end of it. Yay for NSV's.

    Thanks to our chat last night, I had my 1 glass of wine and kept it there because I was almost out of points. If we hadn't agreed to track better, I probably would have had that and some chocolate candies.

    Thanks for everything, I had a great time!!


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