I made it to the 25 pound mark. As in 25 pounds gone, vamoosed, skedaddled, never to be seen or heard from again. It feels so amazing to not have them anymore. I don't miss them at all. I hope that in it taking 8 months to lose it means it will stay away.

Now you all might think that losing this weight would all me great, however there are some "downsides" to it. There is the common 'clothes not fitting' syndrome suffered by many women. However in this case it's cause you can't keep the jeans up when you get them zipped, that is if you even need to unzip them to get them on or off. And even if it seems like you just went bra shopping chances are you will need to go bra shopping again soon, that is unless you like the uncomfortable needs adjusting often feeling. And don't forget the fact that when your pants literally start falling off you, you will be between sizes so nothing fits quite right or the store you love shopping at literally have every size except for the one you need. But you just keep trudging along, because soon you will be down even more sizes.


  1. Ah, but what a wonderful "problem" to have. Jeans that were formerly your "fat jeans" be so big that they fall right off.


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