Lessons I have learned in the last 4 weeks:
*I actually have missed the gym. Due to being sick I wasn't wasn't able to work out for 3.5 weeks. And it have driven me crazy. I would want to work out but would have no energy by the end of the day. So on my rear I have rested. I managed to make it back Monday to the spin class, and that might have been a bit much.
*Sometimes taking it easy is still pushing yourself to the max. I went to that spin class with the intent of easing back in, taking it easy. And I did, and yet that was one of my hardest classes ever. 3.5 weeks away from Olivia's class is about 3 weeks too  many.
*That promise I made last year to train before doing my next race...broken.
*Asthma sucks. It hasn't really been a big problem since we moved from Louisiana. My doctor and I acknowledge it's existence, he writes for the inhaler, I keep it with me, I maybe take it before something that I know is gonna be a tough workout. Pretty much I take use the inhaler just in case, just cause I don't wanna get to place where it is a problem. But it got to be a problem due to that bronchitis. And the asthma is taking it's own sweet time clearing up. Like seriously, when will I finally feel like I can breathe clearly all day.  Which is one reason why Tuesday (after making it back to the gym) was such a hard day, I mean Tuesday was rough.

I did manage to get outside and go for a walk today. And it turned out pretty well. So there is hope that Sunday wont be completely horrible race wise. Not like I am really "racing".


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