Almost there...

Not that there, the other there. It has almost been 2 years since I walked the half marathon. It's almost been 2 years since I joined Weight Watchers. And  almost 2 years since I found out I have PCOS. And what an amazingly long, and short, and fabulous and frustrating 2 years it has been. I am not even sure Roller Coaster is the best way to describe it. I have learned so much about eating and working out and how to best treat the PCOS. And yet I have so much more to learn and grow. It can certainly be overwhelming if I let it be...even when I don't let/want it to be. I try to focus on what I have learned and who I have taught and how far I have come. I know that I am in a much better place than I was then. Every time I feel like Olivia is trying to kill me in spin class I just think of how much simply walking wore me out. And every time I go to the doctors and we have to add/change another med, I try to remember the lab values we have fixed and that it's better to catch all this now and fix it than to let it get bigger and harder to manage. And I look forward, granted with some trepidation, to the rest of the journey!


  1. Awesome perspective! I'm very impressed. I don't know your whole journey, but I am sure proud of you for where you're at.
    Aloha friend!


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