50 and some future thoughts

Last you heard from me I said  would tell you more about 50 pounds coming soon and bike research. So here it is. A couple years ago, Mom made a deal with me. Knowing I had a lot of weight to lose it helped give me some goals. The Big one, Lose 100 pounds. If I can do that I have been promised an Alaskan Cruise or a trip to North Pole Alaska. But first, in order to get to 100, you gotta get to 50. Lose 50 pounds and mom gets me a BIKE! I have always loved biking, I just don't have one. So a bike, and a bike rack for the car, and a helmet (mom is an ICU nurse after all), and one pretty biking outfit complete with shoes. After my weigh in yesterday I am so close. 10 pounds in 10 days! Meaning I am only about 8 pounds or so away. I better hit up all the bike resources and do my research on what I want. Plus the Coach purse I promised myself for hitting the 50 pound mark.

As I left my doctors office today I started thinking about where this all started, training for the half marathon in 2010. Difficulties losing weight when I was training was why I went to the doctor which lead to the PCOS diagnosis and the serious weight loss journey. And as much as I swore then that I was not gonna do another half marathon I am starting to think now that I just might do it again. Maybe even the same one, with it's hills and gravel and all. I really think I could be near my goal weight around the time of the Helvetia Half-Marathon. Wouldn't it be cool to bookend my weight loss journey with matching half marathons? Well, maybe not matching. I hope to look a little different, maybe be a little faster, have a slightly happier time doing it. I am still just thinking about it, not committed yet or anything, just thinking.


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