New "Year"

The beginning of the school year, even when you aren't a teacher or a student always has a feeling of a new years start over. This year even more so for me. See after a couple months of working 12 hour shifts, I am finally going back to my "normal" 8 hour shifts. Which means several things:

*A schedule that allows me to get back to the gym consistently. No more working through my favorite classes. I have missed my Monday/Wednesday torture, I mean spin class. And I certainly can tell that I haven't been to yoga in a while. It's gonna be like starting all over again. I know it will come back, but I know it will also be frustrating to remember what I used to be able to do and not quite be there for a few weeks. But I will get there. I got there once, I can do it again.

*Getting back on schedule means that I will be able to eat on a better "schedule" again. The one that is what I am supposed to be doing. These 12's have been hard on that.

*Better sleeping patterns! I hear rumors that getting the "optimal" amount of sleep actually helps you lose weight, and have the energy to work out. And of course a good workout will help you sleep better at night.

Isn't it amazing how connected God made all of those.

And speaking of new year. I am super excited for the 2 family members that are starting medifast. I am so proud of you both and I know you will both do well. So funny that I get to help you guys out the same week I am presented with opportunity to facilitate a weight loss support group at church. I haven't said yes, and we aren't even sure we are doing the support group yet, still in talks and development. But it is scary exciting thing to be thinking about.

Total side note, FALL IS HERE!!! Football has started, it started raining a little today, EZ Orchards announced they have Apple Cider in (which means the apple cider donuts are around the corner), I actually needed a sweatshirt and throw blanket today. Fall is here!!!


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