Doors and Bootcamp

For starters, Where have I been? Obviously not blogging that is for sure. I would try to catch you all up, but it has been way to long. So I will just tell you a couple stories from the past couple of weeks.

Two weeks ago, yours truly managed to walk right into a door as it was being opened into the hallway. Caught my arm on it (thankfully not my face/head), shook me so hard I had a headache almost immediately. Dealt with the headache for several days (including a trip to the docs for a shot of pain meds), and then the neck pain started. I've had my neck adjusted twice so far by a chiropractor and I might me doing that for a while. Yes it has been an adventure.

I started boot-camp at the gym again. It is so much different than a year ago. For starters there are only 3 of us in the class this time. Myself, my friend Jessica and a gal named Stacy. They were both in the class I did last year.  I haven't felt like it was gonna kill me, yet. I did have a little episode of feeling like passing out the first day, but it was at the very end. The stairs are still one of my least favorite things. But I can get further jump-roping before I trip. Thanks to previously mentioned neck strain I have been having to do my push-ups against the wall instead of on the floor, and having to modify some other stuff. But I'm doing it! 160 push-ups Wednesday. Hanging Knee Raises this morning! It is so good to see how far I have come since doing the class last year. I know I wouldn't have been able to do the knee raises last time. However because there are only 3 of us in the class, we are spending Fridays downstairs and using the treadmills for our cardio. Which is good, IF I am gonna do a half marathon again in June I should be on them more often. However I am so not used to treadmills, and I am not a runner.

Well, I think we are basically caught up for now. Maybe next time I will share with you all a little more of details about the actual workouts from boot-camp. But for now, it's off to go buy plane tickets. Maybe having actual travel dates will be newly motivating.


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