Earn Your Shower

Today I thought I would share with you an actual workout from boot-camp. Haven't shared any of those with you all yet. I was dreading today for 2 reasons. One, I hadn't been to the gym in a week, and two it was treadmill day. I do not like treadmill day. Mostly because I do not like running, I suck at it. Like I can run for about 30 seconds and then I am back to walking. Good thing that was the interval today.

2 minute warm up, 16 minutes of 1 minute 30 seconds "slow" pace (she had written down 6.5 mph) followed by 30 seconds at a "fast" (increasing each time) pace intervals, after 16 minutes repeat the pattern starting at minute 2. I stayed on for all 32 minutes, and I even followed the interval pattern. Just not the speeds that were written down. See her fastest speed listed was 10 mph, yeah I didn't even pretend to go anywhere near it. I just started off a lot slower than the "rest" pace (6.5 mph) and made sure to increase my speed each time  I got to a fast one. And I least made that 6.5 "rest" pace my fastest interval.

Now on to the fun part. After that we did an ab circuit. And I remember all of it, which means you guys can all do in the comfort of home. Cause I know you all have ab straps hanging from the pull-up bar in your living room. Anyway it is 8 moves, 10 reps each set. We got through 3 rounds.

*Hanging Knee Raises
*Cross Leg Crunch (cross your ankle and open your knees out)
*Heel Drop with Reverse Crunch.
*Figure 4 Reverse Crunch (5R/5L)
*Bike Twist
*Plank Hop in/out. Standard plank, hopping feet in then back out to plank.
*Bench Plank with Criss-Cross. Let me explain that one (mostly cause I can't find a video) Hands on the ground, feet up on a bench in plank position. Take one foot off the bench and cross that knee over to the opposite elbow with your toes tapping the floor, carefully return to starting, repeat other side.
* Knee Lift on all 4. On the ground on your hands and knees, toes curled under. Just barely lift your knees off the ground (like one inch kinda barely), hold for 10 seconds.

Combine the treadmill workout and 3 rounds of the ab circuit and you certainly will earn your shower. Oh and can I just say that I actually managed to do all ten of the hanging knee lifts as one set without having to touch the bench or break it up at all on the last round.


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