On the 12th day of Christmas...

So today I made it back to my beloved spinning class. I had passed on spinning for the 6 weeks of bootcamp, and now that it is over back to spinning I went. And boy did I choose a good one to make it back too. It starts off with a quick warm up, then 15 straight minutes on the bike, with no rest periods. Then we played a "game". At least that's what Olivia called it. Musical bikes (we just had to grab the bike not have to get back on), each time someone lost they had to go run the stairs till the rest were done. How little I knew the stair running would be the most restful part of the whole evening. Cause then we really got down to business.

On the 12th day of Christmas my Trainer gave to me...30 Minutes of torture!

12 Jump Squats
11 alternating side crunch/knee raise
10 mountain climbers
9 standing jackknives
8 push-ups
7 reverse lunges
6 squats
5 lateral side raises (with weights)
4 plank jacks
3 burpees
2 jumping jacks
1 minute of Plank

We started with 12 and worked our way down so the pattern went, 12,11, 12, 10,11,12,9,10,11,12 and so forth. And mind you with the exception of the jump squates and the burpees they were either alternating (so you had to do 18 total jackknives to get 9 on each side) or a up/down count ( regular squats were a total of 12). It was torture, but oh my goodness do I feel it. And this is exactly what I need to keep getting in shape for my trip, especially if I want to "hike" what I keep seeing called "Nature's Starclimber".

Oh, and then for good measure, I did an hour of Zumba afterwards.


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