Left you hanging

Bet you all thought I gave up. Gave up on blogging, or gave up on weight-loss. Doesn't matter, cause the answer is NO, I have not given up. In fact I am probably more motivated and set than I have been in a while.  And there are several reasons behind here, here are just a few highlights.

1. I had to go to my favorite doctor back in December cause I was having this constant feeling that my heart was racing. It has since calmed down and not been a problem. But while I was there as he was clicking through my profile on their EMR he turned the computer screen and showed me my weight graph since I started seeing him just before I started this whole journey. It was totally awesome to see 58 pounds of weight loss on a graph!

2. Mac Fit Club! Twice a week my friend hosts a free community workout using some of the systems designed by BeachBody. So the P90X, Insanity, Combat. You know, those things we all see the infomercials for but can't bring ourselves to order cause either they are too expense or more likely we think we can't do them. Guess what, with the lights out in a big gym and 40 other people working through alongside you, you totally can do. And I totally love it. I missed 4 of them while I was gone on vacation and I can't wait to go back tomorrow.

3. Hawaii! I just got back from 10 days in Hawaii. And I learned a few things. For starters, I am not the lay on the beach and relax kinda girl. Which means I am much more the "okay, whats next" kinda girl. Which really meant tons of walking. Walking through Pearl Harbor, finding all 8 hidden stations in the Dole Plantation maze, hiking to Makapu'u light house, snorkeling (not my favorite), walking the Polynesian cultural center, walking through Punchbowl Cemetery, hiking to Waiamea Falls. And there was this really awesome biking path by the place I was staying that I got out and walked 4 or 5 times. Did I mention, I did a lot of waling on vacation. I came home and discovered I had lost about 5 pounds NOT on my diet program at all.

4. And one of the biggest sources for my motivation. My church is starting a weight loss support group on Wednesday, and the health care team has asked me to facilitate it. This is something that has been in the works for several months and in two weeks I have my first meeting. I'm not gonna lie, this is something that is totally encouraging to me, and something that is totally freaking me out at the same time. I am excited to share my success and journey in an even more open and "official" role. But at the same time I am nervous about being perceived as the leader, cause I feel like I have so far to go on this journey to go still. But the whole goal to have a safe and encouraging place to meet and discuss how to best take care of the temple God has given us. So with that I am also honored that the health care team and the pastors have trusted this to me.

I am excited to see what all I can achieve this next month. Getting back on plan tomorrow full throttle. God has only given me one temple, and its a lot easier to take care of it than it is to rebuild it.


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