Team CCF Bootcamp

Guess what I did today? What you can't. I decided to finally make it to one of my friends impromptu bootcamps. Charles is pretty awesome, I have been working out with him regularly for the last several months, but that has been at fit club, where we watch workout videos and try to keep up. And generally we are capable of it. But see Charles is a workout beast, like literally he does a video series called "body beast".  And he is a certified trainer. So the idea of actually doing a workout created by him was how shall I say this...SCARY. But today I did it. Like I did it..NO EXCUSES.

Mind you, until today the only one of those 4 exercises I had actually done before was the kettlebell swings. The tire flips and tire jumps were definitely not something I had ever attempted before, pretty much hadn't even really wanted to do them before either. Trista and I took turns conquering the 200 pound 16 inches while laying on it's side tire we have now named "Pip", while Charles conquered the 500 pound 30 inch tire known as "Big Bertha". Trista and I had a time of 22 minutes (including time spent bent over trying to suck air and catch our breath). 

How does something look so harmless and scary at the same time? I mean really, it's just a tire for peet's sake. 

Look, I really can lift it up, from flat on the ground, and all the way over to the other side. Between the test one to see if I could even do it, and then the 2 afterwards so we could get pictures, I flipped that sucker 23 times!
And I can jump up onto it too. 16 inch jump X 60 jumps! Took some getting used too. It's not like jumping onto a solid block, this kinda gives a little. And balancing at the top is a little tricky. 

I told you Charles is a beast! That's him doing a 46 inch tire jump. I am so proud of my coach for leaving his own comfort zone and so thankful for him helping me out of mine at the same time.


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