Who Knew...

Who knew that so much would happen in my life in 6 months. I mean seriously. January I went on my first solo vacation. Me, Miss Social. traveling alone, staying alone when I got there. But God so blessed that time, I got to know an amazing family while I was down in Hawaii. They welcomed me into their home on multiple occasions and I got to go to church with them. And Dave even took the boys for a night so Monica could take me out for my birthday.
And it's not everyday you completely stop your diet and still LOSE weight on vacation. It wasn't a lot, but it wasn't a gain. I think it's cause I DIDN'T lay on the beach the whole vacation. I did a lot of walking, and hiking, I hiked a lot. And it was just so nice and there was a path near the place I rented. I went out for a lot of walks before getting the day started.
Pearl Harbor involved a LOT of walking. All through Pearl, the Battleship Missouri (had a lot of stairs), Submarine Bowfin (even more stairs). 
Levi was such a sweet dinner date, multiple times. Well he and his big brothers and his Mom and Dad. Seriously people, if you don't know Monica and Dave you are seriously missing out. In fact, let me make life easy for you, go get to know them. http://thegrommom.com/. I mean it, take a break from reading my blog and go read Monica's, then promise to come back and finish reading this. I have a lot more to share.  
Talk about leaving comfort zones. I had the opportunity to meet up with a friend who was also in Hawaii at the same time. We spent the early afternoon hiking to a lighthouse and then found a place to snorkel. Me, snorkel. I who hardly ever goes swimming put on fins for the very first time in my life and snorkeled. And the side benefit of meeting up with a friend who happens to be a photographer is that your vacation pictures from that day turn out really well.  

I also was asked to start leading a weight loss support group at my church. Me, lead something I feel like I need to be sitting in and learning from. But actually leading has taught me a lot as I have to come up with discussion topics each week.

Probably one of the biggest things in these last 6 months have been that I started working with the middle school youth group at church. The first night was just cause I friend asked me to help him out, and well when a friend is in need and it is something I can do I will do it. I wasn't planning on it becoming an every week thing, but something happened that first week and I fell in love with it. I mean don't get me wrong, there are still plenty of time at youth group that I feel inadequate, but I keep going back cause the kids bring me such joy. I even just got back from chaperoning 16 of them on a 4 day trip to central Oregon with 3 other adults. And I was in charge of food. It was a little freaky to say the least. Don't get me wrong, I love cooking, but cooking for 20 is a little different than cooking for yourself. But we had so much fun on the trip, no one went hungry, no one had a meltdown, no one needed to be disciplined.
All 16 Kids and 4 leaders in one shot.

We all had a "keen sense of humor" on the trip.Not only did we have 5 different styles of Keens in this picture, but we discovered later that day at the river that there was a 6th pair in the group. 

I said that wasn't the best place to put the lid. But I suppose I would rather have the most serious injury (concussion) happen to one of the leaders than to one of the kids.
"What? Me, lead the hike? Are you sure Eric. I mean I have done this hike before, but that was probably close to 20 years ago, And this isn't an established trail like say Silver Falls was." That's what my brain wanted to say. Cause for years that's what my mouth would have said too. But somehow all that came out of my mouth was "Sure" and to the front of the line I went. And led the kids a mile uphill through the forest. 

Whoever this new me is, this person who keeps leaving her comfort, whoever she is...I like her. And I don;t want to ever lose her. 


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