Frittata Time

I know it's hard to believe, but up until an hour ago yours truly had never made a frittata. I kid you not. Oh I had attempted omelets before, but to be honest, those usually end up more like scrambles. But last week I was reading my favorite blog and my friend was sharing a really yummy looking recipe. Like really yummy. So yummy looking I decided right than and there it was gonna have to be on my menu plan for this week. And today was the day. So with my friends recipe printed out and all the ingredients gathered I set out to make my first frittata. 

Low and behold, I did it!!!

I'm not gonna lie, I think next time I am gonna cut back on the amount of peas I put in. And well, I am not gonna lie I missed meat and crunch. Between the egg and peas, it was too soft. I needed something crunchy, and something a little salty (I discovered I didn't have any Parmesan cheese AFTER I was home from work), which means next time, it will have bacon in it. I'm sure you all want to know where I got this crazy good and mostly healthy recipe, depending on how much self-control you practice with the cheese. Here it is, go check out TheGrommom, she is so super amazing, her food is amazing, and her photos, well she might be the sole reason behind my Hawaiian vacation a year ago. 


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