February Organizing Challenge

If you are lucky enough to know me at all, you know that I suffer from a serious case of A.D.C.D. Attention Deficit Cleaning Disorder. I start cleaning in one room, find a bunch of stuff that needs to go to the kitchen so I take it out there (it will clear more space?), and than I start cleaning the kitchen, which leads to another room somehow. And before I know I am exhausted from cleaning for hours and yet nothing is clean or organized. Which is why the February Organizing Challenge my cousin Katie created is perfect for me. So far we aren't tackling entire rooms, and from the sneak peek she gave me, I won't need to be on my hands and knees with toothbrush scrubbing anything. 

Day one was simply gathering supplies. Bins for sorting, bags for trash, vinegar for natural cleaning. 
Day 2 is where the real fun started: Junk Drawer. 
 You all have heard of Piggy Bank, I present to you, the Piggy Drawer!
 After: I have 4 boxes of matches. Not sure I actually have any candles with wicks left in my places, but by golly I have the matches.
 Day 3: Desk. Now I don't really have a desk per say. All my 31 Gifts business I have been doing for the last 2 weeks has been at my coffee. So I "tackled" that first.

 Boy that was a hard one. I think I need to rest up and chat with Katie a little. In chatting we decided that really my craft desk would really be the best thing to call my "desk". And she hadn't even seen the before picture yet. In case you are wondering, yes that is a purple wig, and yes that is a skull.
After: I see wood! And oh my goodness I might actually be able to sew. 
 My big goal this year is getting that room purged out and organized. One reason I signed up with Thirty-One Gifts is so that I can get all their amazing organizing stuff on the cheap. It's only the third, there is still plenty of time to join us. http://lovingmylifeasmommyandwife.blogspot.com/


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