
My friend Monica just posted a really really good blog post on Diet, Exercise and Body Image. No joke, it's really good. you should go read/watch it. Yep watch, she did a vlog! Diet, Exercise and Body Image  What she posted really got me thinking, and in writing my reply to her post I thought I would share it with you. 

In the last almost 4 years I have lost around 50 pounds. Don’t get me wrong, I am super proud of this accomplishment, however I still have around 50 more pounds to lose to be at a healthy weight. Over the last 6 months due to some various issues I have been on a plateau, not actively losing more, thou thankfully not really gaining back any of that previous weight. Earlier this week I was in a conversation with someone who asked if I was still losing, and when I said I was on a plateau her reply was “Well, you have already come so far”. And it was done.
I have found that while on this journey, everyone else seems to only see how far I have come, while I mostly see how far I still have to go. And yes, I am super proud of how far I have come. But I know that in order to live a healthy life and be a good example to my friends and family of what it means to take care of the one body God has given me, I need to get off this plateau and continue my journey. And I need someone else to see the journey ahead with me, not just the journey behind.

So here is to starting a new phase of the journey. 


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