Leaving it all behind

You know what happens when you actually stick to the plan and eat well and work out? You start seeing results. You know the scale goes does a little, the weights go up a notch, balance moves are held a little longer. And you know what happens when you start seeing results? You push even harder to build on those results, and you have one of those workout where you leave it all behind in the gym.

I actually had 2 back to back weigh-ins at weight watchers where the scale showed a loss. That has only happened one other time since I started this time around. And I am bound and determined to make it three in a row for the first time. I like seeing the graph go down, and I really like the stars that appear on my tracker every 5 pounds. I think I can actually get my first 5 pound star at the next weigh in.

And I am starting to see results again at PUMP. I had made some gains about 2 months ago, and then kinda was stuck. Been fluctuating between these 3 sets of weights 5,8, and 10 pounds. It's frustrating when one week I can do the move with 10's and I am feeling it the last few reps and then the next week the 5 are super heavy. And then there is the balance song. I will hereby call it "The sweaty middle school dance" number. Nice wide stance, on your tippy toes, squat and back up, repeat a lot. Then go as far down as possible, and pulse, again a lot. Then alternate lowering heels. And just when you think you can't possibly live any longer, you get to stand up and bring your legs together in the good ole ballet 1st position, and start all over. Where does it get it's nickname you ask. You get a body bar to hold in front of you for balance, but because he is a sweaty middle school boy at a dance you don't want to hold on to close or too tight. Normally I end up putting my heels down and shaking out my legs about 10 times, tonight I got it down to THREE. I could have used light weights the rest of the night, and it was still a victory.

Onward and upward. I have a week and a half until my next official weigh in. In that week and a half I get to adjust to a whole new work schedule, which means a change in sleep pattern, a change in when I eat, and what meals I am packing and what meals I am home for. Time to dial it in and focus. Gotta stay strong.


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