It's good to work out as a team.

Do you remember way back when I posted about going and doing a Team CCF Bootcamp? And how excited I was to have completed it and was looking forward to more. And well then, I didn't do anymore. 

Well I am happy (I think) to say, I made it back again! Well now it's Rise and Grind Bootcamp. Charles, Trista, Sydne and myself. I was there when Trista was drumming up the plan, and it didn't sound that hard. 4 stations, running interval inbetween each station, total of 3 rounds. Each station was either 45 second, 60 seconds or 75 seconds (depending on the round), with 2 1/2 minutes for the running in between. Kettlebell swings, leg scissors, woodchops, and russian twists. See, on paper not so bad. But trust me, it was. So glad I was doing it alongside some amazingly awesome peeps who kept not just going, but kept pushing each other. 


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