Out of Change

Game Plan for the Weekend Away:
*Les Mills Workout Friday
*Walk on Saturday
*Take prepackaged snacks with me
*Drink at least 80 oz a day

This week has been a little weird. The gym I have been going to for the last 5 years closed last week. While it was sudden for members, I know that it was a long process of trying to save it for the owner. That gym had become not just where I worked out, but where I bonded with friends over sweat, and increased reps and weights. I kept my membership simply because of one instructor, whom I love. And without CB's classes this week, I have been lost. I did get in a combat workout with Coach Chaz, but otherwise didn't push myself as hard as I truly can. And it showed at weight watchers this week. Even though I ate well, because I didn't have the workouts I had a slight gain on the scale. 

I am bound and determined to have a negative on the scale this week. I will not let Women's Retreat be a stumbling block to my goals, it will be a catalyst. I will walk everywhere instead of hitching rides between lodging and meeting times, I will not pig out on the bread basket, I will delight in being a daughter of the King who made me perfectly and desires his best in all areas of my life. 


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