2016...Smaller and Better than ever.

Friends, I cannot begin to tell you how excited I am for this year and for the changes I have made in just the last couple of weeks. I mentioned in my last blog entry that Weight Watchers was changing everything up and that I was nervously excited to see how all it would play out. Well, lets just say, the scale is finally moving in the direction I want to go. Yes, there have been some slip ups, but I finally feel in control again, which has carried over to pretty much every other aspect of life. 

2016 brings some serious goals with it:
*Walk 1000 miles. And I am not talking just from total steps, actual legit go for walks miles. Averages out to just under 3 a day. I know there are days where I will have even more than that, and days that will have less, but I am super stoked for the goal. 
*Simplify. I know this sounds really vague, which it is. But I know what it means. I means cleaning out all of the bottles of body washes and lotions and cleaning supplies that are taking up room and collecting dust and replace them with simple, pure, homemade (as much as possible) products. 
*Detox: Remember all those bottles I just mentioned? A lot of them are full of unpronounceable chemicals that are known for not being the greatest. I want to get them out of my place, and clean the house without getting a headache. 
*Be intentional- Intentional with the food I put in my body. More whole foods, less junk processed foods. Intentional with my workouts, each movement having a purpose. Intentional with my EO diffusing, not just throwing oils in there cause they smell good, but because of the benefits they bring to my body, mind and soul. Intentional with my reading, Intentional with my friend time, Intentional with my Me time. 
*Read More. I have a whole list of books in the back of my planner I want to read this year. It's a pretty even blend of fiction and personal development and history. Already have a couple of the ones to work on. Plus I am part of a book circle where everyone contributed a book, reads it, then sends it on to the next person in the circle, Eventually it comes back to you!

2016 is gonna be an epic year, and I am so excited for it and to share it with you. 


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