How did we end up here?
did I end up here? What got me to this place where I am less than 2 months
away, 6 weeks to be precise, from doing my 2nd half marathon? Especially considering
I did not have fond memories of the first one and I swore I would never do
another one again. In order to best understand that, we have to go
back to where this current journey all started.
2015. I was right around my heaviest weight ever, heavier than 6 years ago when
I had started my weight loss journey. I was mad at myself. I was mad body. I
was even mad at God a little. And then my co-worker started mentioning that she
needed more people to sign up on her Shamrock Race team. It was still 5 months
away, I figure I had plenty of time to train and survive the 15k event. But the
more I trained, the more I doubted, the more my legs objected to all the work,
the more the idea of 15 kilometers (9.3 miles) seemed very scary and very, very
undoable. So, the day of the race, I switched to the 8k. And it still took me
forever and a day, well at least it felt like that. It was raining, my legs
hurt, I cried. I faked a smile every time I saw a camera. I faked a smile in
hopes I could convince myself I was actually having fun. I didn’t bother faking
a smile by the time I got to the finish line. I was cold and wet and miserable.
And I literally crossed the finish line and walked straight to the car.
something happened during that experience. Call it a seed being planted. Call it
being bitten by the bug. Call it what you want, but there is no denying it. I
didn’t actually die. I didn’t quit walking. In fact, I started signing up for
local small races. Pretty regularly actually.
Spring 5k. There was absolutely no excuse for me to miss this one. It is
literally out my front door. There are banners, and fun messages on the sidewalks,
and at the 2 mile mark was the most encouraging bear hug possible, and my
friend coming back to run the last straight stretch with me, just like we had
done the year before. And while I didn’t do as well as I wanted to, I finished
faster than I had the year before. And I learned that day just how much fun it
can be to tangibly see yourself get better at something. 
for Africa 5k. This was one of my fav’s this year. My girl Jaydee is in the
Doctor of Physical Therapy program at George Fox University. She has introduced
me to some amazing people in the last year. This race is put on by the students
as a fundraiser for their trip to Africa at the end of their 2nd
year. I felt it was only right to support these girls, and the team a year
ahead of them. Nice little run through campus, complete with glow paint,
families out in their yards cheering you on, and dinner out with friends
afterwards. This one I felt great about. 
Forces 5k. No matter how many races I end up doing, this one will always hold a
special place in my heart. If you know me at all you know I am one of the proudest
Army Brats out there, and I will support and defend our Military Service
members and their families with everything I have. Which meant showing up in my
Army Brat tee-shirt was a must. And that also meant my uncle had to show up in
his Navy Veteran shirt. And while I knew that in the family rivalry Navy was
going to win this battle, if you know my uncles story from this year, you know
how much of a miracle it is that he is alive, much less running. Also, this was
the first race I can distinctly remember passing people! I might not have met
me time goal, but I was faster than my uncle thought I would be, so he didn’t
get to run the end with me like he had planned on. 
Trot 5k however made me question a lot. My legs hurt, not only did I not so as
well as I wanted to, I didn’t do as well as previous races. Going in to this my
only “training” had been the weekly Bitter Runners. It really showed me how
much slacking off on training and letting stress get to you can affect you
Moore 3.5 mile. I know not technically a 5k. Parker Moore was a student at the
local college who was killed in a stabbing late at night. I was working that
night. It was one of the worst nights of work for me. It sucked. Big time. I wasn’t really sure how
this was going to go. I knew physically I could do 3.5 miles, that wasn’t a
problem. My back had been bothering me for a little over a month at this point;
while it had gotten a lot stronger it still had moments where I would find
myself in tears in hurt so much. But the part that was the most nerve wracking
about this day for me was more the emotional aspect of it. I had never done a race where I was so emotionally
connected to the events around it. Thankfully I ran into a friend of mine at
the beginning and we simply walked and talked the whole time. We talked about
that night, we talked about the fall out the next day, we talked about her work
in Africa every year, we talked about which PT clinic I am going to and we
finished in less than an hour! Which wasn’t something I thought I was going to
be able to do when I woke up that morning.
we there yet? Not quite. Somewhere between Turkey Trot and the Parker Moore I
saw a race on Facebook. I posted something about it on Facebook to see if any
of my friends wanted to join me. I swear, I meant the 5k…I was getting pretty
good at those. Somehow though, Randi talked me into the Half-freaking-Marathon.
Looking back though, she didn’t have to work that hard at it. Before I knew it
I was registered, had a training plan on the calendar and was starting to work
on costume ideas. However,
life is not measured in steady single direction progress. Because wouldn’t you
know it, the day my training plan stars is the same day my back decided it
wanted to misbehave. Steroids, visit
with the doctor, chiropractor, and 8 weeks of Physical Therapy later I am
feeling stronger. Not back to “normal” but definite progress is being made. And
not just physically. Benefit of both your PT and your PTA being runners is that
as you are working to strengthen your body, they are helping you with your head
game too. There are days I think Nathan
and Don have more confidence in my ability to finish the half than I do.
that leads us to now. Training, stretching, rehabbing, prepping and working
towards goals. There has been a lot of doubt along the way. A lot of
tears. A lot of evenings spent on the
living room floor crying with the heating pad. There have been several times
where I thought about quitting. I mean no one would blame me right. Doing a
half marathon while obese is stupid enough right? I should lose the weight
first, behind closed doors, and then maybe do race. I should let me back fully
heal and then worry about working out. Trust me, there has been enough doubt in
my head that if at any point my doctor or PT said to back off on the training I
would be down for that in a heartbeat. But I haven’t quit. I have learned to
acknowledge my doubts and fears, because it is from there that I actually draw
motivation. I have learned from those moments and apply those lessons to the
future. I lace up my shoes anyway.
Thank you for sharing your heart, encouraging others, and keeping that promise to yourself to keep going! This was inspirational to read, Sandy. We can all learn a lot from you with this story of perseverance! One step at a time, one race at a time, and one goal at a time. Thanks for the little shoutout too :) The Africa run was so fun with you there, and the celebration afterwards was fun! Love you sister, you're incredible!