Day 23
Let's just say 2017 got kinda ugly and hard and dark and depressing there in the end. I'm not sure about you all, but I am so glad 2018 is here. I know really, deep down that the "New Year" is kinda an arbitrary thing, but there is also something magical about "New" things that fill us with hope again.
Last I checked in with you all here I was training for a Half-Marathon. I'm not to sure it was going well at the time, and well, it didn't get any better. I mean I did the half- marathon, it finished it. But it was very ill trained for, and my time, my body and my experience reflect that. But, I did it. I didn't give up before hand, and I didn't give up during it. I buckled down and I walked over that finish line on my own power and strength. Cause Big Tough Sandy is strong.
Considering I was planning on taking January off from walking and Bitter/Walkers, it is amazing how much I miss it and how frustrating it has been being on a forced break instead of a break by choice. But it's coming around, I can get back to full strength training again, and have been doing some time on the elliptical and bike and been pretty good. I'll finish out January "on the sidelines" of bitter walkers, but will so be so ready to be back in February. I am so ready to get in a consistent pattern again. I don't have any events coming up immediately, in fact I think I will be doing even less this year than year. I am being way more intentional with the events I register for. They need to mean something to me. CLR, Relay for Life, Champions Run for Heroes, and the Parker Archie Moore memorial 3.5 are really the only ones on my radar this year.
tay tuned for more from me soon. Thursday my friend Angel is going to give me a meal plan she has made up for me. I am really excited about this as I get so confused when it comes to nutrition and meal plans. And the best news is, my friend/boss is buckling down and working on weight loss at the same time, built in accountability partner!
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