Life update

Well, here I sit, with one of my favorite work perks. GameReady, I am mid 20 minute ice and compression session on my knee. Why on my knee you ask, well, let me tell you.

Remember back in in january I told you about how I did a half marathon and made my knee mad and then I fell on the ice and made my knee madder and how I was taking Januray off from most workouts and was back in PT working on making my knee happy? Well we got it mostly happy again, and I started doing my walks again and it was beautiful. My pace was so much better than it was all of last year, and the knee felt better while working out, and the shin splints seemed to be gone. And then, one fateful st patrick’s day, I was doing the laundry, and I twisted, and there was a loud pop, and all the pain and then some came back. So back to PT I went. And my PT said the words I was expecting him to say back in december that he hadn’t “Maybe it is time to think about seeing ortho and getting an MRI”. So I did, well I saw the ortho doc and she pretty much said exactly what my PT had been saying all along (which is why he suggested it, he knew I needed to hear it from someone else), and she ordered an MRI, and she told me to lay off the walking for a while and to avoid twisting. Which was super disappointing because I have a 5k tonight that I was already registered for. So here I sit icing my knee during lunch, MRI is scheduled for monday. We know the basics of what it is gonna say, the fine details are yet to be seen.

The good news is, I talked to the ortho doc yesterday, and she said I should be fine to walk the Glow for Africa 5k tonight as long as I go slow and avoid twisting. So tonight’s goal is the be the last across the line. But I get to do something that mentally clears my head much more than almost any other workout. And I get to support a super good cause. And I might have talked ortho into doing the event too.

In other news, with the help of my good friend Angel, I have been working really hard on my eating habits and nutrition plan. She has calculated out a meal plan for me and reminds me to not cheat and when I can have a cheat meal and helps me navigate the menu at the sandwich shop. And I’ve managed to lose 22 pounds in the last 2.5 months!

And I might have just turned my 20 minute ice session to a 30 minute session. Probably not the wisest choice, but it felt good while doing it


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