Time to Refocus

13... maybe it is bad luck number after all. I did great all summer, between the Metformin and Weight Watchers I lost 13 pounds this summer. And then after hitting that 13 mark I stalled. I had a week where the scale didn't more at all. and 2 weeks with gains.

I need to refocus. Get my priorities lined up again, remind myself why I am doing this.


  1. Hey there! 13 pounds is 13 pounds. Feel good about that accomplishment. I am in the "honeymoon" phase of this journey and imagine that I will be at the phase you are.

    You can do this, you have done it, now just keep going. You completed a half-marathon! If you can do that, you can do anything you set your mind to.

    If you need me to come over and give you a slap a la Gibbs, just let me know.

    xx and oo's



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