Did I find my secret?

So last weigh in I lost 1.8 pounds. It was one of my best weigh-ins in a long time. And for the first time in forever I felt somewhat confident going into the weigh in. And I think I know why. I had several big meal events on oct 31st and then one on the 1st. A 16 year olds birthday, Reformation day dinner with my family and then a 1 year olds birthday. And I knew it would be fabulous food all weekend. So I saved all my weekly points for that weekend. Usually I just use a little here and little there every day to make each day seem fuller. So I saved them and I went into the weekend with all my points. And then I was carefull with portion sizes. I allowed myself to enjoy the pot roast, and the cheesecake, and the sauerbrauten, and the apple strudel and the cupcake. And I earned my activity points. Really awesome benefit to all this house cleaning is that you earn activity points for it.

So maybe I need to work on saving those weeklies for the special occasions, not just cause i wanna have a bad day.


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