It's been a little bit

It has been a little while since I last posted anything. And that isn't good. See I have noticed that I do better with the food/workout thing when I am blogging more. Or is it that I am better at the blogging thing when I am "on plan"? So here are a few important updates and some plans.

I had more lab work done. It is starting to be a relatively regular thing in my life. And man oh man did they come back different from the last ones. I think the only thing that came back good was that my vitamin d level came back finally to normal. My testosterone is up higher than it was when I was first diagnosed. So we are upping the metformin to try to combat that. And my cholesterol...wowza's. Needless to say the drug combo I was on was not working. So we changed meds. From the bottom of the pyramid lowest dose to the top of the pyramid highest dose.

Last weekend I got to spend the entire weekend away with my amazing small group. 13 adults and 11 children all in the same beach house. In many ways it was a crazy time, but it was an amazing time. And it clarified somethings for me. One of which is that I do want the chance to someday be a try to have a kid. I have no idea what the future holds but I do know that if I do not get this PCOS thing under control now it will be that much harder.

So...with that said I need to be so much more diligent with the food intake. And the working out. Need to get way better at the working out. I was doing deccent while in the bootcamp class, but after that. I honestly haven't been back to the gym since then. Monday I'm there. I have to be. I need to be.


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