Good News

Though the month is still young, I have the feeling with the exception of valentines day emotions themselves, this is gonna be a good month. Beginning of the month started with my not sleeping very well for about 3 weeks thanks to some extra than normal stress at work. Enter the already scheduled doctors appointment with an amazing doctor whom I love, and I am now a casual friend of Ambien. Taken here and there they have been so amazing and though the extra stress isn't gone I am sleeping better.

The appointment was scheduled for once again more follow-up for my PCOS and it's various manifestations in my life. It was a good talk, had lost nearly 4 pounds in the 2 months since the last appointment. Now I know that doesn't sound like a lot, but for someone with a metabolic syndrome it actually is. Had more labs drawn before leaving. And the results came back yesterday. I can't believe how fast it worked but that Lipitor stuff works. My cholesterol levels are SO much BETTER! So exciting. Some aspects of it still have some work left on lowering/raising a couple parts, but I hope soon to be able to start working on possibly cutting back on the lipitor. Sugar levels are a little better. Pretty much, the labs as a whole look way better.

So excited that all the working out, and the swallowing handfuls of horse pills twice a day and the diet changes are starting to pay off.


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