
You know what they say about keeping the ball rolling. That if you stop doing something you lose momentum and it gets harder to pick it back up the longer you are off. Holy cow, is that true. I missed one spin class, one, and when I went back today it was so hard. And we didn't even do that much spinning did we. I missed Monday, which means I hadn't worked out in 4 days, hadn't done a spin class since last wednesday. And boy did I feel it. I felt like I was starting all over again. Course maybe that did have something to do with why I was out Monday. Man, I did not like feeling that way. If I ever do get real appendicitis I think I might be crying like a baby.

But what I really wanted to share was that I bought a new shirt today, that is a size MEDIUM! I know the pictures look good, I just wish I felt as 'skinny' as those pictures look. Getting our brain and our mind to realize the same thing is sometimes really hard.


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