
I have always loved the idea of hiking. Getting out in God's creation and enjoying while getting a good workout in and hanging out with friends. I just haven't done it in YEARS, and I am so not exagerating there. And part of that was that I knew I was way to out of shape, plus I knew what search and rescue would have to do to try to get me out of whatever situation I got myself into (asthma attack at the bottom of some canyon and all the roads are at the top) and I didn't want to do that to them. But along came last friday. I went and spent the day "Living life on the edge" as my friend Teri put it. We went up to Multnomah Falls, but we took the "Old Historic Highway" there so we saw several falls.
First stop was the "Portland Womens Forum" which if you ask me is an odd name for viewpoint. But we had said that we were "tourists" that day and therefore if it was a viewpoint we were gonna view. After some viewing and picture taking we got back on the road, stopped at Vista House, and then kept going to the first of 3 waterfalls we would stop at. The first we just took pictures of. I wasn't quite ready to be adventuresome yet.
But then we got to Bridal Veil Falls. I had eaten a healthy wrap in the drive between the 2 falls and I have discovered for me at least, one healthy action leads to another. The sign said it wasn't very far so into the falls we hiked, mostly cause you have to hike in to see them at all. And then I got really adventuresome...
I climbed on the rocks. I climbed up them, yeah not all the way, but I was pacing myself. Besides I still had to hike out of the falls, which owe yeah was all uphill. It's never fair to make the last half a hike be all uphill.
But then we got to our destination. I hadn't been since I was a little girl. I don't recall if we hiked all the way to the top of the falls or not that day, I wanna say not cause I think we went in a rainy wet cold season. Now remember, I don't hike. I have grand illusions of hiking, but thankfully I let reality stop me from hurting myself. So there we are at the base of the falls and we see the sign, the one that tells you how far you have to go to get to the top.
That's right, only 0.2 miles to the bridge, I can definately do that. And whats that you say only 1 mile to the top... easy right. Well, remember I had already done hiking, and I am not hiker, and it was one of those rare warm days in the Gorge. I said we'll see as we go. Now I had managed to read before was that it was a short hike but that you climbed 500 ft in elevation. Which meant it could be very steep. So we safely got to the bridge, us and ever other tourist. And past them we went, and we started up hill. And I mean uphill. It didn't take up long to get to the sign that said "Switchback 1 of 11". Not bad, except let me tell you, there is no machine in the gym that simulates hiking. I was a little out of breath already. But since I was with an EMT I kept going, she'd know what to do if things went bad.
I unfortunately must inform you that I "only" made it to switch back 4 of 11, which was still over halfway there. Which means the remaining 7 switchbacks must be steep, cause I know we hadn't gotten to half the hight yet. So back down we went. And since we were "tourists" afterall, more pictures.
If there is a puple flower to be found I will find it.
No that is not me, and no that isn't even anyone I know. Teri and I had first seen him at the lodge, obviously just done with a run. And as we are crossing the road to get to the car we see him again, obviously still shirtless, jump up grap the edge the train bridge and crank out 5 full pullups. He'd let go, pace around for about 10-15 seconds and do it all over again. Teri and I managed to see him do 4 times, thats 20 full pullups, and his hands weren't even full around a bar, they are gripping the edge of something. Maybe I need to print this picture and put it up on my fridge for motivation...


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