I'm stuck

Pretty much everywhere. Having a hard time getting the scale to move downwards, not wanting to "eat healthy", not really wanting to go to the gym or try to go for a "run". Really feeling inspired to to craft, but that would mean finishing cleaning my craft room.

I know if i just start cleaning it would actually count as "working out", and with a clean room I would maybe even finish some of the crafts I have started. Feeling like I was working out would prompt me to go to the gym and workout, and a good workout would prompt more healthy eating. And when I feel healthy and I tend to craft more.

It's like a like a spinning merry go-round that doesn't stop and I have to find a way to jump on it while it's spinning.


  1. well, sometimes you just have to man up. I know you can do it! Then post pics of some of your crafts :)


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