Day 1

So as you may have seen me mention on Facebook or Instagram, today I started 21 day fix. And I mean started. Yes I have had the stuff for a while, and even tried it before, but never honestly getting onboard with the nutrition aspect of it. For those who aren't familiar with 21 day fix, it is a 3 week program with daily assigned workouts, and color coded containers used to measure food. You get a certain number of each color based on how many calories your body needs. The first time I tried, I think I failed on breakfast it was so confusing to me at the time. But this time I have a one on one accountability partner with my friend Karli who also started today. So I sat down last week and made a menu plan up, checking off each container to make sure I was not only not going over on things like carbs, but also to make sure I got enough in of the good for me things like vegetables. I shopped, and I prepped and I measured and portioned out.

Well, day 1 wasn't perfect but it wasn't a failure either.

Didn't make it all the way through Total Body Cardio Fix, but at least I pressed play and started it.

Knew I was gonna be gone most of the day (I mean really, who does that to themselves on day one), so I packed a thermal bag with an ice pack and my snacks. Dinner was a little tricky, I had planned on just having salad and some chicken but ended up at Wendy's in between visits with friends. So I got the side garden salad....and the baconator fries. But getting the salad is a major victory considering I normally would have gotten a value meal with chicken nuggets and a soda. Didn't get my shake in today, so I am behind a red.

Lunch is already packed for tomorrow at work. I forgot I was working a different shift then normal when planning my menu, so had to swap dinner for lunch. Good thing most of my food is already prepped.


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