The thing I said would never happen again

Well it happened, a while ago actually. When I first started losing weight 5 years ago, I swore I was never gonna be back at my "before" weight, my heaviest weight. Well, I'm back, actually I have been back for a while. Not gonna lie, pretty mad at myself for that. It's not like anyone else did this to me, this was all me and my doing.

Which is why I am nervous/excitedly looking forward to starting the 21 Day fix on Monday. 21 days of daily workouts, clean eating, and daily super dense nutrition shakes. I know there will be hard days, which is why I already have the menu planed out, and why I will be cleaning out the fridge this weekend, and prepping all my food ahead of time. And checking in with you guys often. I give you guys permission to call me on it. Permission to  remind me that the apple strudel at the coffee shop is not on plan. Permission to remind me that the workouts are only 30 minutes, and there are modifications. Permission to remind me that TV only comes after the workout is done and the food is laid out for the day. And Permission to remind me that my mental and spiritual health is just as important to being the healthiest me as my physical fitness is.


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