My weight watcher friends will know that NSV means Non-Scale Victory. We all have things that are exciting milestones on the weight loss road that don't exist on the scale or don't always show on the scale. A smaller pair of pants, Being able to walk up the stairs without getting short of breath, passing on the donuts without even having to think about it. Well today I had a NSV.

I did the first day of the Couch to 5K running program. It's a 9 week training plan that gets you to running a 5K. You do a 5 minute walking warm up and then alternate 60 seconds of running with 90 seconds of walking for 20 minutes and then a 5 minute cool down. If you do the math that means I ran 8 intervals. So 8 minutes. Me...running....for 8 whole minutes. Seeing as how my version of interval training used to be "walk for 10 minutes, jog for 30 seconds, walk for 20 minutes", running for 60 seconds 8 times is pretty dang impressive. Now to see if I actually remember to do it again on sunday.


  1. Im going to start doing one too. theres a fun looking 8k in stayton in two months i think I will try. way to get started.

  2. Yay for NSV! You go girl. That sounds like something I almost could do!

  3. There is a 10k in april I am signed up for. Bridge to Brews. Beer included with registration fee.


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