PCOS Labs- More Changes

So well my labs that I had drawn 2 weeks ago came back. I am sure they have been back for a week, I just got the card in the mail. Some are doing better. Like my HA1C is down by a half point. And my testerone level came down by 2 points, still high but much closer to normal. Liver tests are doing better. And benefit of the testerone and HA1C coming closer to normal is that AF has come to visit every month since stating the Metformin.

But my HDL is low and my LDL is high. Which is totally no bueno and apperently the next big hurdle for me to tackle. So thursday I have an appointment with my doctor to discuss what the next step is. And I am re-researching(is that a word) to see what can be done from a herbal/supplemental route. I haven't read ony of my PCOS books in a while, so i guess it's time for a refresher course.


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