Slow and Steady

Slow and Steady wins the race...right? That's what "they" say. And by they I really really hope it means scientific research. Cause if it's just hearsay I am gonna scream. Because even though I hate hearing it said by others (it is not encouraging when you are hearing it for the 587th time in a couple of months), I cling to it as well because it is one of the things keeping me going. When it takes "normal" people only like 6 months to lose 30 pounds, it has taken me 2 years. I really hope what they say about the slower you lose it the more it stays off is true. Cause at my pace I should never have to worry about those 30 pounds again.

Warrior Dash is coming up in September. I just requested that weekend off and I really hope I get it so that I can have a near goal to train for. I know it will help. As long as I don't get sick for the weeks leading up to it. 


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