Starting Over

As many know, I recently decided to take at least a break from Weight Watchers. I have been a stale mate for a while and my head and my heart could no longer take the lack of progress. Which lead to finally making the decision to try something I first thought about almost a year ago. At least I know it wasn't a spur of the moment decision.

I decided to start Medifast. For those who don't know, Medifast is a very regimented program built on the 5 and 1 concept. 5 medifast prepackaged meals and 1 "lean and green" meal. A Lean and Green is pretty much what it sounds, lean protein and non-starchy vegetables. And it's actually a lot of food on the plate. I think I have seriously doubted my ability to finish every time I am done measuring out my food. There is an adjustment curve that is for sure, no fruit, no breads and not all the packaged meals are as good as the others. I love the Hot Chocolate, I know that is one I will keep drinking. Not a fan of the chocolate pudding, or the mango soft serve, though I was told some tricks today that might make them a little better.

I am actually doing it through Willamette Weight-loss in Dr Hurty's office. Dr Hurty is man I respect immensely, if I ever need a cardiologist he is my first choice. I see him quite often as we call him down to the ER a lot when he is on call, so I have built up a pretty good relationship with him. Which is why I knew I was safe talking with him about my fears about this but also about how much I knew I needed to do it. He actually put me on a modified plan where I actually get 2 of those lean and green meals and can have 5 of the packaged meals or select a couple extra snacks from his list. And I only have to take 2 weeks off from working out. Thank goodness for that, cause I am starting to miss it.

So how is this all going you ask. Well I weighed in last Thursday, but then I didn't actually start till Monday morning. And you know what, I indulged a little that weekend too (McDonald's, hot dogs and smores, and a peanut buster parfait in one day). So I am sure my weight Monday was probably actually higher than my official new 'start' weight. Today I went back up to Dr Hurty's office, 3.5 days after starting...and I had lost 4.8 pounds! Just what I needed to see and hear and feel to keep me motivated to keep going.

So yes, for now at least, I need to say to no to the breads and cheeses and chips and fresh fruits that have been my friends for years. And eating out is not out of the question, I just have to know in advance so I can help plan where to go and plan my day of eating around it. I am not sure how long I will keep going with this program. I have never really had an actual goal weight, so it is hard for me to say. Where I needed to be range wise always seemed so far away, but now it seems so much closer.


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