C25K, WD and GHG...oh my

What you ask are those? Well since I haven't blogged in forever let me catch you up.

*C25K stands for Couch to 5k. It is a programs designed to get you from walking to running. It builds with slow intervals. Week 1 is a 5 minute warm up, a 60 second running interval alternated with a 90 second walking interval, repeat for a total of 8 and then a 5 minute cool down. Each week it builds to the point that you are eventually doing all running. Well as least that is what the plan says, I have never made it out of week one. No matter how many times I did it, how good I felt going into the workout or how well rested I was, I was never able to fully complete a day. i would cut nearly half of my running intervals short by like 10-15 seconds each. So tuesday I went to Gallagher Fitness Resources in Salem. They are an awesome running and walking specialty store. They helped me find a nice pair of workout shorts that has pockets so my phone, id and house key all safely go with me for an outdoor workout, and then we moved over to the shoe side of the store. She watched me run back and forth. And mind you I felt really silly doing that, this imitation "runner" pretending to run in front of a bunch of real runners. Anyway, apperently I pronate when "running", something I hadn't done last time I sought real help with shoes. So I got some really awesome new Brooks stabilty shoes and off to the treadmill I went the next day. Well hang on, lets back up for a second. All the times I had tried doing the C25K day 1 I was doing it from a podcast where a voice would tell me when to run and when to slow down,which was great, drawback was I had to listen to his music. So I bought a watch I could program intervals into. Now, back to the treadmill. I come out of the changing room in my new duds all ready to tackle this and there is only one treadmill left, next to a runner, a good runner, someone who has taught running classes, and she is going fast. But I got on that one treadmill, and I pressed start. An 32 mintes of walking and 8 of running later I pressed start. I know Stacie Shaver was just minding her own business getting her workout it in, but somehow it kept me going too. Oh and the shoes and my music totally helped too.

WD- WARRIOR DASH!!!! I have officially signed up for probably the craziest thing I have ever done. Ever crazier than when I did the half marathon. It is a 5k "run" with about 10 obstacles thrown in there, and Mud, and fire, and barbed wire. This is one reason why I am doing the C25k, so that I have the endurance to do this. But havin this as a goal to work towards challenges me strength wise as well. Much training must now happen.

GHG is short hand for "Good Health Guidelines". In weight watchers you get your daily points to eat, but you also get these guidelines to try to meet, drink 6-8 servings of water, 2-3 serving low fat dairy, 5-7 servings of fruit and vegetables, 2-3 servings health oil, multi vitamin, activity. On the e-tracker when you have clicked off that you have done the guideline for that item that day you get a little smiley face. Some of those I am good at getting (water and multivitamin) some not so much (healthy oil). Tonight after the meeting Jenn and I sat down and tried to come up with some way to keep ourselves accountable cause we still have the others hostage dress. And this is what we came up with. For the next 2 weeks we are gonna try to get as many smiley faces as we can. And on August 1 we are gonna get pedicures. Whoever collects the least amount of smiley faces has to pay for half of the others pedicure. If there is a tie, total accumulated activity points will serve as the tie breaker. That way the challenge itself is not a set pound amount (not fair to either of us since we have totally differant bodies) and the reward is not food.

So I am all set. Time to kick this platuea to the curb and not see it again until it is time for maintance.


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